🖊️📘📚 2G* How to Create an Outline for an Incident Report in 5 minutes for CELBAN Writing

Update 2024

Mastering Incident Reports: A Brainstorming Challenge!

Hello Everyone,

Ready to elevate your incident reporting skills? Grab your tools—a computer, a piece of paper, and a pen—because we’re diving into a brainstorming challenge. Set that timer and let’s unleash our creativity to compile a comprehensive list of details for an incident report. Here’s your writing prompt:

Incident Description: 65-year-old male patient found on the floor by the elevator with an IV pole.

Your Mission:

  • Set a timer—challenge yourself!
  • Brainstorm or mind map every detail imaginable for the incident report.
  • Capture the intricacies, the specifics, the nuances. Leave no stone unturned!

Why This Matters: Incident reports demand precision and thoroughness. By mastering this skill, you enhance patient care, contribute to a safer healthcare environment, and demonstrate your professionalism.

  • Imagine the sense of accomplishment as you compile a detailed, well-rounded incident report. Your attention to detail is not just a formality; it’s a commitment to excellence in patient care.
  • Consider the significance of your role in maintaining the highest standards of healthcare. Your dedication to thorough incident reporting aligns with the core values of patient safety and quality care.
  • Visualize the positive impact of your detailed incident report—an organized, clear, and comprehensive document that serves as a guide for future actions and improvements.

Your brainstorming isn’t just an exercise; it’s a proactive step towards becoming a meticulous incident reporter. It’s about translating ideas into action for the betterment of patient outcomes. Because, incident reports are not just paperwork; they are tools for learning, improvement, and, most importantly, ensuring the well-being of our patients.

Your commitment to brainstorming comprehensive details reflects your dedication to patient safety, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond the incident itself.

So, challenge yourself, embrace the timer, and let your creativity flow. When you return, share your insights and let’s celebrate the collective effort to master the art of incident reporting.

Happy brainstorming!

When you are done, come back to this post. 


  • What happened?
  • What was your process?
  • How long did you take?
  • Did you include: observations, assessment, medical intervention, documentation and evaluation? 

Check out the following conversation I had with a nurse who created a comprehensive outline for an incident report in 5 minutes because of the skills she learned during Wonderful Writing, with writing coaching (sold separately and part of the GOLD Bundle.)

Excellent details… in five minutes! This is most excellent!

N, can you tell me how Wonderful Writing prepared you for writing incident reports in 20 minutes?


Hi Kim,

I have to say lesson 1-4 are the preparation of brain for the easy flow of ideas. That make [CELBANPrep Writing] level two more easier and fast. We have only a short amount of time to finish the incident report. Inorder to finish the incident report within the scheduled time, the ideas should come fast. So lesson 1-4 are very important!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you


Here are the details that N brainstormed/mindmapped in only 5 minutes because of what she learned with CELBANPrep University’s Wonderful Writing (GOLD Bundle). How valuable would it be for you to be able to do that?

65 year old male patient found on the floor by the elevator with IV pole.


  • 65 year old male patient found on the floor by the elevator with IV pole.
  • IV dislodged, a pool of blood found on the floor from IV site.
  • A loud noise.
  • No smell.


  • LOC : unconscious, PEARL.
  • Vital signs taken: PR 120, RR 24, BP 90/50, T 36.7 C, blood sugar 3mmol.
  • Head to toe: no lacerations, no head injuries, IV dislodged and bleeding.

Medical intervention

  • Called for assistance.
  • Transferred  to bed.
  • pressure applied on IV site.
  • Physician notified.
  • Orders carried out: IVF 5%D started at another site, 10% Dextrose 4 ampules IV bolus given, brain CT scan.


  • Incident report filled.
  • Vital signs and blood sugar closely monitored.


  •  Pt conscious, talking.
  • Vitals normal, blood sugar 9mmol.

I took 5 minutes.

Celebrating Your Remarkable Achievement in CELBANPrep Writing!

Dear N,

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt congratulations on your incredible achievement in CELBANPrep Wonderful Writing. Your dedication to mastering the intricacies of Level One, lessons 1-4, and progressing to Level Two, lessons 5-8, is truly commendable.

I remember the persistence and hard work you invested in understanding what might be hindering your progress and preventing you from reaching your goals. Your commitment to identifying and overcoming challenges is truly inspiring.

While some may find Writing Level One, lessons 1-4, a deviation from medical reports, you grasped the essence—I was imparting valuable lessons in time management, a crucial test-taking strategy, and laying the foundation for CELBAN Writing Task 1.

Your trust in the process, your willingness to put in the hard work, and your consistent practice have paid off in remarkable ways. Crafting a detailed incident report in just five minutes is a testament to your growth and proficiency. It’s not only a reflection of what I’ve taught but, more importantly, of your dedication and effort.

Your newfound skill of preparing your mind to generate organized ideas swiftly is a significant accomplishment. You’ve demonstrated that learning and applying these strategies lead to success.

Your achievement will undoubtedly serve as an inspiration to others who come across your report on Dear Kim. Your journey exemplifies the positive outcomes of hard work, dedication, and a belief in one’s ability to learn and grow.

Take a moment to bask in the glory of your success, N. You’ve earned it! Celebrate this milestone, and let it fuel your motivation for the next steps in your journey.



🔹 If you are looking for personal guidance and heartfelt advice on your CELBAN journey, then ‘Dear Kim’ is a perfect choice. Follow Dear Kim for a wealth of insights and answers to your questions.

🔹 If you are keen to understand medical grammar for the CELBAN, then â€˜CELBANPrep’s Grammar Essentials’ is the guide for you. Explore its detailed content at Amazon to enhance your medical English grammar. 

🔹If are looking for specialized online courses to boost your grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure skills,  and seek excellence and confidence in your writing and speaking, then head over to www.CELBANPrepUniversity.com Resource Room and the Silver Bundle. There, you’ll find a wealth of information, resources, and courses specifically designed to meet the unique needs of healthcare professionals like you, ensuring your journey in Canadian healthcare is both successful and fulfilling. Wonderful Writing is in the GOLD Bundle.


  1. Sim Avatar

    Hi Kim, do u have a sample of incident report, how to write an incident report

    1. Kim Avatar

      Dear Sim,

      Thanks for your question. All of the samples I have for Incident Reports are within CELBANPrep Writing Level Two. They are part of a systematic program created to identify your weaknesses and turn them into strengths so that you get an acceptable score on CELBAN Writing. This can take two months, if you have a 7 in IELTS, or more if you have a lower score.

      Does this help?


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